Monday, July 6


You know that feeling when you see someone, and you really want to get to know them?
Or, you see someone and you really don't?

Today I went to the library, and saw quite an attractive male. Having said this, he wasn't the type that I wouldn't want to get to know, or want to get to know, but it would have been nice to say hello.
I saw him looking at a bunch of Cd's (this is a very diverse library) and I was looking at poems, and yeah...yeah, yeah, you can guess I did probably hang around that section for a prolonged period of time. The point! The point is: he came from the Cd's, aimlessly flicked through a book from my aisle...then aimlessly walked back to the Cd's. Yes, I know what you're thinking.
But it wasn't, because in the swift moment our eyes connected, not literally, he raised his eyebrows.
And no, I was not wearing a comical t-shirt.
Perhaps that is the dilemma I am having to face.
Except, it's not a dilemma of any sort, as I won't see him again.

The main point of the story: I went to the library. Looking for short stories and poems. It was thrilling.
Note: I'm taking the raising eyebrows thing in a good way. What's the point in being negative?


Tessa said...

Oh, such a dilemma!

And, I have to say, your blog has a far cooler name than mine.

Anonymous said...


i love that one glance, from a stranger, can have such a profound effect on you! Like, this guy has no idea you went home and blogged about him.

He had an impact on you. And you didn't even know him.

And thats pretty cool.

Frozenn_Cokee said...

I know, I kiiiinda of feel like a stalker. But at least I didn't mention his name.

Mind you, if I asked, I would have included that we talked and I would have noted the conversation...